CS 351 Computer Architecture

Fall 2009, Sonoma State University


            B. Ravikumar.  Office: 116 I, Darwin Hall

Office phone: 664 3335            Email: ravi@cs.sonoma.edu.

Office hours:  TBA


Class Time and place:  M W 10 to 11:50 PM. 31, Darwin Hall


 Catalog Description:

 Lecture, 4 hours. Instruction set design; stages of instruction execution, data and control path design; CISC, RISC, stack architectures; pipelining; program optimization techniques, memory hierarchy: cache models and design issues, virtual memory and secondary storage; I/O interfacing; advanced topics to include some of the following: parallel architectures, DSP or other special purpose architecture, FPGA, reconfigurable architecture, asynchronous circuit design.
Prerequisite: CS 215 and 252, or consent of instructor.


 Course Goals:

 Computer architecture deals with the functionality of all the major components of a computer: ALU, control and data paths, cache and main memory, I/O, interconnections etc. The programmer's view of the instruction set and user interface will be considered along with memory organization, addressing methods, implementation of control, and a multitude of performance issues and trade-offs. The main focus will be on the following topics: performance measures of computer systems, MIPS assembly language, computer arithmetic and ALU circuit design, CPU design, pipelining, cache memory, multicore CPU and parallel programming.



Computer Organization and Design, Fourth Edition, Fourth Edition: The Hardware/Software Interface (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Architecture and Design)Computer Organization and Design: The hardware/software interface, 4th edition, Morgan-Kaufman Publishers, ISBN: 978-0-123744937.                   



Topics Covered in detail:


The following is a tentative list of topics:

  • Review of digital design and overview of the course: history of computer designs, circuit models and design, new developments, performance issues (Ch 1)
  • Instruction set and MIPS assembly language: instruction types, encoding, RISC model, MIPS assembly language and instruction set design. (Ch 2)
  • Computer arithmetic and ALU design: number systems, floating-point encoding, adder, multiplier, division, FP processor design. (Ch 3)
  • Data and Control Path Design:  (Ch 4)
  • Cache Memory: (Ch 5)
  • Advanced Topics: Multiprocessors and parallel programming (Ch 7), GPGPU (Appendix A)


Other References:

  • Parhami, Behrooz, Computer Architecture: From Microprocessors to Supercomputers, Oxford University Press, 556 + xx pp., February 2005 (ISBN 0-19-515455-X). 
  • M. Murdocca and V. Heuring, Computer Architecture, Prentice-Hall.
  • W. Stallings, Computer Organization and Architecture: Designing for Performance, Prentice-Hall.


Assigned Work and Evaluation:

·         Quiz (10 - 15%) – There will be a quiz every class. Duration: 10 to 15 minutes.

·         Two Mid-Term tests (20 - 25%) – Both tests will be in class and will be about 100 minutes long. Each test will have a closed-book and an open-book section.

·         Home Work assignments  (20 - 25%) – This will include some implementation (in MIPS assembly language, hardware description language etc.) as well as other design and problem solving exercises.

·         Final Examination (35 - 40%) – The final examination will be comprehensive and will have a closed- and an open-book section.


Online sources:

http://www.cs.wisc.edu/arch/www/ is a repository of information on all aspects of computer architecture: education, research, industrial practice etc. Various simulation tools can also be accessed from here.


http://webcast.berkeley.edu/course_details.php?seriesid=1906978259 contains video-taped lectures by Patterson, one of the authors of the text.